Rowland Consulting
                                                14401 Covington Road, Independence, MO 64055
                                                Phone: 816-478-3249, Fax: 816-350-7773
                                                email: roryrrowland[at]att.net

                                                © 2010 Rowland Consulting, All Rights Reserved
                                                All other companies, products, and service names are trademarks and service marks of their respective owners.

Our Webinar Descriptions:
Rory RowlandBarry ThompsonRory RowlandBarry ThompsonRory RowlandTim HarringtonRory RowlandTim HarringtonRory RowlandMark Arnold
Our Webinar Programs:
How to Protect Your Credit Union from a Social Media Nightmare
In a recent survey conducted by EvalsRus.com, 74% of businesses surveyed did not have a satisfactory social media policy, ensuring protection of their company, employees, and most importantly, their customers. 81% of those surveyed do not have a Facebook page, while 98% do not have a Wikipedia page.

Let’s say you’re in the top 20% of credit unions that do have a social media policy. Do your employees know it? Have they been trained on it? Have they been tested on it? And are you sure they understand their social media responsibility to your credit union? You have heard the horror stories of social media nightmares; with this program you can avoid the risk of being unprepared.

Interested in learning more of the keys to social media success? SocialMediaRx is proud to partner with Rowland Consulting to develop a webinar designed to give you the secrets!

You Will Learn:
• The keys to developing a social media policy!
• How to develop an employee agreement and the pitfalls to avoid.
• Safe and easy tracking tools to monitor employees on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites.
• Secrets to protecting your company’s reputation through our five step social media protection plan.
• How to develop a five step social media plan - mirror, match and model Fortune 500 companies.

Who Should Attend: This program will benefit C-level executives, credit union marketers at all levels, VPs of Operations, and senior managers.

Bonus: You will get a FREE white paper on the keys to a successful social media policy. A $49 value!

Speaker: Rory Rowland is a business consultant and dynamic seminar leader specializing in programs
on social media, technology, leadership, and communication skills. After serving as president of two
credit unions and earning his CCUE, Rory began using his communication silks and specialized
background in credit unions to help others in the credit union movement to be more effective.

Date: September 28, 2010 at 1:30pm EDT until 2:45 EDT

Cost: $129     100% money back guarantee if you are not completely delighted

Check Fraud for Front Line Staff
Counterfeit, altered, and washed checks--they all mean one thing--losses for the credit union that accepts them. In this fast moving session, we will learn how the criminals do it and the methods they use to attack your institution. Only by knowing how a criminal will produce, alter, or forge a check will your front line staff know how to detect the fraud in action. Not only will we examine check fraud, we will also review its twin sister: false identification. Remember, the criminal must possess both a fraudulent check and identification to be successful!

You Will Learn:
•The power behind increasing the confidence of your staff with split deposits
• Incredible confidence games used to get credit unions to accept bad checks
• What actions you need to take when a fraudulent check is discovered

Who Should Attend: This powerful presentation packed full of practical tips is a must-hear for Middle Management, Auditors, and Security Officers!

Speaker: Barry Thompson, CRCM, is truly a world speaker, having spoken in Brussels, Belgium
on Internal Fraud, the United Nations on Identity Theft, as well as to Japanese Bankers on Security.
He has also been interviewed by Newsweek, Computer World, and many more national and regional
publications. Having investigated everything from embezzlement to identity fraud, Barry has helped
with almost all possible criminal incidents against financial institutions.

As a professional speaker, few can match his expertise and practical experiences. Having testified
before courts ranging from county courts to the New York State Supreme Court, Barry’s actual
experiences allow him to relate to any group, whether front line tellers or board of directors.

Date: October 13 at 1:30-2:45 EDT

Cost: $169     100% money back guarantee if you are not completely delighted

Sales Training for Front Line Staff
How can you INCREASE REVENUE without hiring more people?

ANSWER: Teach ALL your front line people to sell!

Rory Rowland, in partnership with www.creditunionsalesculture.com, is proud to announce a new program designed at increasing your bottom line via implementation of a sales culture.

The single most effective path to creating a truly exceptional organization is to empower all front line employees outside the primary sales force with the ability to find additional referrals and service sell to your members.

Think about how many times a day your front line folks interact with your members. These are individuals who are usually perceived as credible, trusted advisers. They are in the best possible position to probe for more opportunities and/or offer additional products and services.

You Will Learn:
• How to get front line folks off their “Ask” – and learn how to ask for the business.
• Techniques to train ALL your front line employees to be an extension of your MSR’s and Loan officers.
• Tips to increase your revenue without adding any sales headcount.
• Ways to turn your cost centers into profit centers.
• Sales skills for non-sales people!

Who Should Attend: We look forward to meeting tellers, MSR's, branch managers, sales managers, and your training department during this session.

Speaker: Rory Rowland is a business consultant and dynamic seminar leader specializing in programs
on social media, technology, leadership, and communication skills. After serving as president of two
credit unions and earning his CCUE, Rory began using his communication silks and specialized
background in credit unions to help others in the credit union movement to be more effective.

Date: October 26, 2010 at 1:30pm EDT until 2:45 EDT

Cost: $169      100% money back guarantee if you are not completely delighted

Identity Theft and Credit Union Fraud for Front Line Staff
Are you protected against identity theft and fraud at your credit union?

This program on preventing losses will focus on the information the identity thieves have before they call your credit union. You will learn how criminals target your credit union and more particularly YOU when trying to obtain information or financial rewards. Understand how to question a person so that you can determine if they are your member or a thief! Don't let the criminals steal the identity of your members and receive financial information or access to a member's account.

You Will Learn:
• Six key pieces of information needed to steal someone's identity.
• The one internet site your credit union needs to review weekly.
• The publications you need to know about to protect your credit union.
• About the bulletin boards used to pass information about your credit union to the world!
• How a thief learns your policies and procedures in advance of the attack

Who Should Attend: Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officers, Senior Management, Middle Management, Human Resources, Auditors, Security Officers, and Volunteers.

Speaker: Barry Thompson, CRCM, is truly a world speaker, having spoken in Brussels, Belgium
on Internal Fraud, the United Nations on Identity Theft, as well as to Japanese Bankers on Security.
He has also been interviewed by Newsweek, Computer World, and many more national and regional
publications. Having investigated everything from embezzlement to identity fraud, Barry has helped
with almost all possible criminal incidents against financial institutions.

As a professional speaker, few can match his expertise and practical experiences. Having testified
before courts ranging from county courts to the New York State Supreme Court, Barry’s actual
experiences allow him to relate to any group, whether front line tellers or board of directors.

Date: November 9 at 1:00-2:15 EST

Cost: $169      100% money back guarantee if you are not completely delighted

Balanced Scorecard for Strategic Planning
Have you been dying for a way to manage your credit union’s systems to invest long term, rather than simply managing the bottom line to inject short term earnings? Help has finally arrived!

Rory Rowland helps you learn the strategies to guide current performance and target future dividends through a balanced scorecard to strategic planning. In a world of tightening budgets, long term planning is increasingly important. Without a scorecard to measure your advancements, you could be left treading water while your competition swims past. Instead, harness the power hidden in the scorecard and mobilize your employees to live up to and exceed the mission of your credit union with this robust measurement.

You Will Learn:
• A unique system to perform periodic and systematic strategic reviews.
• How to communicate strategy throughout the organization.
• To align departmental and personal goals to the strategy.
• Links for strategic objectives to long-term targets and annual budgets.
• Strategies to obtain feedback to learn about and improve your strategy.

Who Should Attend: This program would benefit Board members, CEOs, and Senior Managers.

Speaker: Rory Rowland is a business consultant and dynamic seminar leader specializing in programs
on social media, technology, leadership, and communication skills. After serving as president of two
credit unions and earning his CCUE, Rory began using his communication silks and specialized
background in credit unions to help others in the credit union movement to be more effective.

Date: November 10, 2010 at 1:30pm EST until 2:45 EST

Cost: $169     100% money back guarantee if you are not completely delighted

7 1/2 Things on the Board’s Radar
The Winner’s Edge states that, “A small difference in knowledge or ability can lead to a great difference in results.” As a Board leader, this program will set you on the path that will enable you to stay ahead of the competition! Learn current, up to date Board trends that will keep you in the loop of important trends for your credit union. Get an update on the credit union industry!

You Will Learn:
• An overview of the changing credit union landscape, and how previous years’ trends will impact the future.
• The crucial regulatory changes that may impact your credit union.
• The blow back from the economic meltdown/great recession of the last couple of years.
• How to create a game plan for your credit union’s future.

Who Should Attend: Board members and your credit union's CEO and Senior Management team would most benefit from this program designed especially for them!

Speaker: Exploding the stereotype, Tim Harrington is a Certified Public Accountant and a dynamic public
speaker. As an expert in the credit union field, Tim has consulted with and provided training for hundreds of
credit unions and tens of thousands of credit union volunteers and staff members throughout the United States.

Tim is a native of Montana and holds a BBA in Accounting from Gonzaga University in Spokane,
Washington. He has also attended universities in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico and Florence, Italy and
speaks several languages.

Date: November 17, 2010 from 1:30 EST until 2:45 EST

Cost: $169      100% money back guarantee if you are not completely delighted

Net Promoter Score--The Importance of Member Loyalty
During this training course, you will learn research methods designed to monitor member satisfaction and to dramatically improve member loyalty. You will be given quantitative tools to measure member satisfaction and loyalty.

You Will Learn:
• The importance of member satisfaction tracking the consequences of ignoring this vital area.
• Designs for a simple member satisfaction survey.
• How to implement results from the study to establish performance standards and goals for your credit union.
• Tricks to analyze drivers of dissatisfaction and delight; what methods are used for linking satisfaction to growth and profitability.
• One question every organization should ask—if you don’t, are you serious about member satisfaction?

Who Should Attend: CEOs, board members, and your entire management team needs to attend this ground breaking presentation.

Speaker: Rory Rowland is a business consultant and dynamic seminar leader specializing in programs
on social media, technology, leadership, and communication skills. After serving as president of two
credit unions and earning his CCUE, Rory began using his communication silks and specialized
background in credit unions to help others in the credit union movement to be more effective.

Date: November 30, 2010 at 1:30 EST until 2:45 EST

Cost: $169       100% money back guarantee if you are not completely delighted

Making Up for Lost Income--How to Deal with Courtesy Pay Changes
New courtesy pay regulations are upon us and more may be on the way. The loss of courtesy pay revenue could be a major issue to some credit unions and devastating to others. While many will find making up the loss of courtesy pay difficult, there are some things you could do to mitigate the losses through new revenue streams, or, with some aggressiveness, perhaps even replace that revenue stream completely. Two things are clear, Americans have shown they need their financial institution to provide them an easy way to make ends meet. And credit unions need to earn revenue from their checking programs one way or the other to pay for this expensive service.

You Will Learn:
• New regulations affecting the industry.
• Possible future regulations that may be heading your way!
• Discussable strategies you can use to help alleviate the loss of revenue you may encounter.

Who Should Attend: Any of your credit union's management team, as well as board members.

Speaker: Exploding the stereotype, Tim Harrington is a Certified Public Accountant and a dynamic public
speaker. As an expert in the credit union field, Tim has consulted with and provided training for hundreds of
credit unions and tens of thousands of credit union volunteers and staff members throughout the United States.

Tim is a native of Montana and holds a BBA in Accounting from Gonzaga University in Spokane,
Washington. He has also attended universities in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico and Florence, Italy and
speaks several languages.

Date: December 1, 2010 at 1:30 EST until 2:45 EST

Cost: $169      100% money back guarantee if you are not completely delighted

How to Create A Sales Culture
Do you want to survive over the next four years or thrive? Ponder the question and realistically consider the state of your credit union. Is your product per member percentage low? Instead of dumping hundreds of dollars into sales training every year, why not strategically plan for an implemented culture revolving around sales? Everyone in your organization, from receptionists to back office processors, everyone in your organization needs to be focused on increasing their attention to the needs of your members. Learn the trade secrets of installing a sales culture at your credit union with this incredible program!

You Will Learn:
• If you should install a service sales culture.
• The secret 8 step selling process.
• Unique training, the foundation of a sales culture.
• Finally, how you implement the sales culture at your credit union

Who Should Attend: Your credit union's CEO, senior management team, branch managers, as well as board members will benefit from this dynamic session.

Bonus: You will get a FREE white paper on the keys to creating a credit union sales culture. A $49 value!

Speaker: Rory Rowland is a business consultant and dynamic seminar leader specializing in programs
on social media, technology, leadership, and communication skills. After serving as president of two
credit unions and earning his CCUE, Rory began using his communication silks and specialized
background in credit unions to help others in the credit union movement to be more effective.

Date: December 8, 2010 at 1:30 EST until 2:45 EST

Cost: $169      100% money back guarantee if you are not completely delighted

When Employees Act Their Age: Generational Differences in the Workplace
Work as duty. Work as means to leisure. Work as a challenge. Different generations approach employment differently. Employees active in today’s labor market are divided into four distinct groups: Matures, Baby Boomers, Xers and Dot Com Generation. Your willingness and adaptability as a progressive supervisor will determine how successful you are in managing and bridging these critical age ranges.

As a manager of multiple generations, Mark gives critical points on how to better work with each unique group.

You Will Learn:
• An overview of Matures, Baby Boomers and Generations X and Y.
• Making the work environment appealing to different generations.
• Supervising various generations.
• Creating inter-generational leadership decisions.

Who Should Attend: This program will benefit managers of all levels, as well as MSR's and front line employees!

Speaker: Mark Arnold, CCUE, is a speaker, consultant and author. He helps organizations and credit unions
achieve their goals with strategic marketing insights and energized training. He is a popular
speaker at national conferences, having spoken to several thousand during his 15+ year career. He is the author
of “My Best Service Ever,” “Marketing Across the Generations, Gen. X" and “Think Huge.”

His areas of expertise include marketing, branding, human resources, training, business development,
change and generational issues. He has spoken in 40 states from coast-to-coast and for
                                              audiences including staff,
management, senior executives and board of directors. He has a Bachelor’s
                                              of Journalism degree from the
University of Texas at Austin.

Date: December 9, 2010 at 1:30pm EST until 2:45 EST

Cost: $169      100% money back guarantee if you are not completely delighted